Welcome to Spartan Comics
Captain America and the Falcon - 008
Captain America Sam Wilson - 008
Captain America Vol 4 - 008
Captain America Vol. 6 - 008
Captain America Vol. 7 - 008
Captain Atom - 008
Captain Atom Vol. 2 - 008
Captain Britain and MI13 - 008 Alternate
Captain Marvel Vol 3 - 008
Captain Marvel Vol 4 - 008
Captain Marvel Vol. 6 - 008
Captain Marvel Vol. 7 - 008
Captain Marvel Vol. 8 - 008
Captain Victory - 008
Cases of Sherlock Holmes - 008
Catwoman Vol. 2 - 008
Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye - 008
Chu - 008
Civil War Front Line - 008
Classics Illustrated Vol 2 - 008
Claw The Unconquered - 008 - Fine
Conan - 008
Conan the Avenger - 008
Contest Of Champions Vol 2 - 008
Contest Of Champions Vol 3 - 008 Alternate
Cops - 008
Curse of The Brimstone - 008
Curse of the Spawn - 008
Cyberforce Vol 2 - 008
Cyberforce Vol 4 - 008
Cyborg - 008
Cyborg Vol. 2 - 008
Dagar the Invincible - 008 - Fine
Damage Vol. 2 - 008
Daredevil End Of Days - 08
Daredevil Vol. 4 - 008
Daredevil Vol. 5 - 008
Daredevil Vol. 6 - 008
Dark Angel - 008
Dark Avengers - 008