Welcome to Spartan Comics
52 - 038
Action Comics Vol. 2 - 038
Amazing Spider-man Vol. 4 - 038
Aquaman Vol 6 - 038
Aquaman Vol. 8 - 038
Aquaman Vol. 8 - 038 Alternate
Astro City Vol. 3 - 038
Avengers Academy - 038
Avengers Vol. 3 - 038
Avengers Vol. 5 - 038
Avengers Vol. 5 - 038 Alternate
Batgirl Vol. 4 - 038
Batman and Robin Vol. 3 - 038
Batman and Robin Vol. 3 - 038 Alternate
Batman Beyond Vol. 7 - 038
Batman Legends of the Dark Knight - 038
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2 - 038
Batwoman - 038
Black Panther Vol. 4 - 038
Cable - 038
Captain America Vol. 5 - 038
Captain Marvel - 038
Catwoman Vol. 2 - 038
Catwoman Vol. 3 - 038
Classic X-Men - 038
Dazzler - 038
Doctor Strange Vol. 3 - 038
Dreaming - 038
Flash Vol. 5 - 038
Goon - 038
Green Arrow Vol. 3 - 038
Green Arrow Vol. 6 - 038
Green Arrow Vol. 6 - 038 Alternate
Green Lantern New Guardians - 038
Green Lantern Vol. 3 - 038
Green Lanterns - 038
Guy Gardner - 038
Hulk Vol. 2 - 038
Justice League Dark - 038
Justice League International - 038