Welcome to Spartan Comics
Avengers - 496
Batman Legends of the Dark Knight - 081
Conan The Barbarian - 081 - Fine
Cyborg - 008
Excalibur - 081
Excalibur - 081 - NS - FINE
Ghost Rider Vol. 2 - 081
Green Lantern Vol. 3 - 081 Delux
Hulk Vol. 2 - 081
Justice League International - 081
Marvel Comics Presents - 081
Robin Vol. 4 - 081
Spider-Man - 081
Tales Of The Teen Titans - 081
Teen Titans Vol. 4 - 081
Thunderbolts - 081
Transformers Regeneration One - 081
Transformers Regeneration One - 081 Alternate
Turok Son Of Stone - 081 - Very Good
Ultimate Spider-Man - 081
Ultimate X-Men - 081
West Coast Avengers Vol. 2 - 081
What If ? Vol. 2 - 081
What If? Vol. 2 - 082
Witchblade - 081
Wolverine Vol. 2 - 081
Wolverine Vol. 3 - 081
X-Factor - 081