Welcome to Spartan Comics
52 - 049
Amazing Spider-man Vol. 4 - 049
Amazing Spider-man Vol. 4 - 049 Alternate
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 3 - 049
Astro City Vol. 3 - 049
Batgirl Vol. 4 - 049
Batman Legends of the Dark Knight - 049
Batman Shadow of the Bat - 049
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2 - 049
Captain America Vol. 5 - 049
Fables - 049
Firestorm Vol 2 - 049
Firestorm Vol 2 - 049 - Fine
Ghost Rider Vol. 2 - 049 Newsstand
Green Arrow Vol. 3 - 049
Green Arrow Vol. 6 - 049
Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps - 049
Hawkman Vol 4 - 049
JLA - 049
Justice League America - 049
Justice League Europe - 049
Justice League of America Vol 2 - 049
Justice League Vol. 3 - 049
Marvels Greatest Comics - 049 - Very Good
Namor The Sub-Mariner - 049
New Mutants Vol 3 - 049
New Mutants Vol 4 - 049
Nightwing Vol. 2 - 049
Nightwing Vol. 4 - 049
Post Brothers - 049
Sandman Vol. 2 - 049
Solar Man of the Atom - 049
Superman Vol. 4 - 049
Tales Of The Teen Titans - 049
Teen Titans Vol. 4 - 049
Thor Vol 2 - 049
Ultimate Fantastic Four - 049
Ultimate Spider-Man - 049
Ultimate X-Men - 049
Usagi Yojimbo Vol 3 - 049