Welcome to Spartan Comics
52 - 051
Amazing Spider-man Vol. 4 - 051
Astro City Vol. 3 - 051
Azrael - 051
Batgirl Vol. 4 - 051
Batman Gotham Knights - 051
Batman Legends of the Dark Knight - 051
Batman Shadow of the Bat - 051
Batman Vol. 3 - 051
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 2 - 051
Cable - 051
Catwoman Vol. 4 - 051
Comics Revue - 051
Darkhawk - 051
Doctor Strange Vol. 2 - 051
Exiles - 051
Fables - 051
Fantastic Four Vol. 3 - 051
Firestorm Vol 2 - 051
Flash Vol. 2 - 051 - Newsstand - Very Good
Green Arrow Vol. 2 - 051
Green Arrow Vol. 3 - 051
Green Arrow Vol. 5 - 052
Green Lantern Corps - 051
Green Lantern Vol. 5 - 051
Hawkgirl - 051
Hulk Vol. 2 - 051
Jonah Hex Vol 2 - 051
Justice League America - 051
Justice League Vol. 3 - 051
Justice Society Of America Vol 3 - 051
Marvels Greatest Comics - 051 - Fine
Peter Parker Spider-man - 051
Robin Vol. 4 - 051
Solar Man of the Atom - 051
Star Trek Next Generation Vol 2 - 051
Superboy Vol. 2 - 051 - Newsstand
Superman / Batman - 051
Superman Man of Steel - 051
Superman Vol. 4 - 051