Welcome to Spartan Comics
Animal Man - 079
Avengers - 494
Batman Legends of the Dark Knight - 079
Batman Vol. 3 - 079
Birds Of Prey - 079
Cable - 079
Catwoman Vol. 2 - 079
Conan The Barbarian - 079 - Fine
Firestorm Vol 2 - 079
Flash Vol. 5 - 077
Flash Vol. 5 - 079
Ghost Rider Vol. 2 - 079
Groo The Wanderer - 079
Hellblazer - 079
Hulk Vol. 2 - 079
Iron Man - 079 Very Good
Justice League International - 079
Marvels Greatest Comics - 079 - Fine
New Mutants - 079
Robin Vol. 4 - 079
Spider-Man - 079
Supergirl Vol. 5 - 079
Superman Vol. 2 - 079
Teen Titans Vol. 4 - 079
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol 5 - 079
Thunderbolts - 079
Thunderbolts - 080
Ultimate Spider-Man - 079
Ultimate X-Men - 079
West Coast Avengers Vol. 2 - 079
What If ? Vol. 2 - 079
Witchblade - 079
Wolverine Vol. 2 - 079
Wolverine Vol. 3 - 079
X-Men Vol. 2 - 079