Welcome to Spartan Comics
Justice League Odyssey - 007
Justice League of America Cry For Justice - 07
Justice League of America Vol 3 - 007
Justice League Vol. 2 - 004
Justice League Vol. 2 - 007 Alternate
Justice League Vol. 3 - 007
Kamandi Challenge - 007
Katana - 007
Kick Ass Vol 2 - 07
Kirby Genesis - 07
Kirby Genesis - 07 Alternate
Kull The Conqueror Vol 3 - 007
Lab Rats - 07
Lantern City - 007
Larfleeze - 007
Lazarus - 007
Legend Of The Shield - 007
Legion Lost - 007
Legion Lost Vol. 2 - 007
Legion Of Super-Heroes Vol 4 - 007
Legion Vol 2 - 007
Lobo Vol. 3 - 007
Lobo Vol. 3 - 007 Alternate
Lone Wolf 2100 - 007
Lone Wolf And Cub - 007
Lost Universe - 07
M.A.S.K - 007
Madman Atomic Comics - 007
Madman Comics - 007
Magnus Robot Fighter - 007
Man From UNCLE - 007
Manhunter Vol. 3 - 007
Manifest Destiny - 007
Mark Hazzard Merc - 007 - Newsstand
Martian Manhunter V2 - 007
Martian Manhunter Vol 6 - 007
Marvel Adventures Vol. 2 - 007
Marvel Knights Spider-Man - 007
Marvel The Lost Generation - 007
Marvel Two-In-One Vol. 3 - 007