Welcome to Spartan Comics
Planetary - 010
Poe - 010
Powers - 010
Powers Bureau - 010
Powers Vol. 2 - 010
Punisher Vol. 9 - 010
Quantum And Woody Vol. 3 - 010
Quantum And Woody Vol. 3 - 010 Alternate
Rat Queens Vol. 2 - 010
Ravagers - 010
REBELS - 010
REBELS Vol 2 - 010
REBELS Vol 2 - 010 Alternate
Ren And Stimpy - 010
Rising Stars - 010
Robin Son of Batman - 010 Alternate
Robin Vol. 4 - 010
Royal City - 010
Samurai Jack - 010 Alternate
Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 3 - 010
Scarlet Witch Vol. 3 - 010
Secret Avengers Vol. 2 - 010
Secret Empire - 010
Secret Empire - 010 Alternate
Secret Empire Brave New World - 03
Secret Origins - 010
Secret Origins - 010 - Newsstand
Secret Origins Vol. 2 - 010 Alternate
Secret Warriors Vol. 2 - 010
Secret Wars - 010
Secret Wars - 010 Very Good NS
Sentinel - 010
SGT Rock - Special 010
Shade Vol. 3 - 010
Shazam Vol. 4 - 010
Shazam Vol. 4 - 010 Alternate
Sheena Vol. 7 - 010
Sherlock Holmes - 010
SHIELD Vol. 5 - 010
Showcase 1993 - 010